Sustainability-related disclosures (date of publication 01-01-2024)

On 10 March 2021, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/2088; the “SFDR”) came into force in the Netherlands. This European Regulation requires certain financial market participants (such as managers of alternative investment funds) to publish sustainability-related information on their website and in pre-contractual disclosures.

The SFDR lays down harmonised rules for financial market participants (such as managers for alternative investment funds) on transparency with regard to the integration of sustainability risks and the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts in their processes. In addition, financial market participants are required to provide sustainability-related information with regard to the funds that they manage.

In the following you can read more about the manner in which Acrobator Ventures (“Acrobator Ventures”) takes sustainability-related aspects into account when making investments.

Transparency regarding sustainability risk policies

Acrobator Ventures does not integrate sustainability risks in its investment decision‑making process. Acrobator Ventures has chosen to do so because the administrative burden would currently have a disproportional impact on Acrobator Ventures’ organisation to adequately integrate sustainability risks into the investment decisions-making process.

No adverse sustainability impacts at the level of the Funds

Acrobator Ventures is the alternative investment fund manager of (i) Acrobator Ventures Coöperatief U.A. and (ii) AV1 FUND – DTRD C.V. (collectively the “Funds”). Sustainability risks can have a negative effect on investments. In addition, investments can also have a negative effect on sustainability factors. Sustainability factors are factors that relate to environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters. For example, investments can (indirectly) contribute to climate change, waste production or income inequality. Acrobator Ventures does not yet consider such principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors with respect to its Funds. It has chosen to do so because the administrative burden would currently have a disproportional impact on Acrobator Ventures’ organisation to adequately analyse these principal adverse impacts and integrate them into the investment decisions-making process.

Acrobator Ventures periodically reconsiders its decision not to take principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors with respect to its Funds. It may decide in the future to take into account principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors.

Transparency of remuneration in relation to the integration of sustainability risks

The remuneration Acrobator Ventures does not take into account sustainability risks.